Happy SAFE girl writing

School Program

SAFE through the arts® is offered to Pre-K and Kindergarten and special education classes in Schenectady City public schools and the Capital Region. We are currently on a hiatus due to COVID-19 and hope to return to schools during Spring 2022.

We will be offering SAFE through the arts® to public elementary classrooms in Brooklyn, NYC and urban schools within New York State with an emphasis on low-income schools with diverse populations. Our goal is to bring the program throughout New York State and within the five boroughs of New York City and its surrounding areas. Our programs, which are fifty minutes in length, take place once a week for six weeks in five classrooms per school. The SAFE through the arts® program is currently a free service provided by Azalea Blossom, a 5013c nonprofit organization to qualifying schools. Preference is given to schools that serve an underprivileged and diversified population of students.